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Monday, November 5, 2012

Shike Cattle Co. Bred Female Sale Wednesday Night on Caldwell-Willoughby

Tag: 007x
Sire: Grizzly
Dam: Angus
Date of Birth: 2/21/2010
Service Sire Bred To:: AI bred to Monopoly 2 on 6-13.
Appoximate Due Date:: Vet call: Due 3-22 to AI Sire.
Location of Cattle: Alexis, IL
Consigner: David Shike: 309-236-3415 • Dan Shike: 217-369-7468: dan@shikecattlecompany.com
Comments: We decided to do things a little different in this sale and sell out of our 3-year old group as well. These are females that all calved as 2 year olds, weaned a calf, and bred back (in a drought)! The work is done here. They are ready to start making you money! We love the Grizzly females and are selling 3 outstanding ones. This female is powerful, big bodied, and stout featured.
Additional Comments: We wanted to do something to set ourselves apart from some of the other bred heifer sales, so we made the decision to sell 18 of our 3 year old females carrying their 2nd calf. We didn't hold back - the top end females are for sale! These are females that calved as 2 year olds and bred back. If you are not sure you want to calve heifers, here is a real opportunity to buy PROVEN females that are still young! We AI'd the 2nd calvers primarily to Monopoly 2 and I-80. Calving should not be an issue and you have a real opportunity to cash in on their first calf. All 2nd calvers were AI bred on June 13 and ran with Shike Brutus (3/4 Simmi - Meyer 734 x Steel Force) from 6-15 to 9-15. Check breeding information for vet calls on service sire. We reserve the right to one successful flush with a minimum of 6 transferable embryos at buyer's convenience and our expense.

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